There are taxes on companies, on imports and on inheritance, money or other property passed down by people who have died. There are also state and local taxes, and taxes on property, sales and gifts. 美国有公司税,进口税,财产继承税,还有一些州和地方税,以及物业税,交易税和赠予税。
Instead, the government relies heavily on profits from land sales and, more recently, temporary taxes on real estate transactions that were intended to cool the property market but have turned into money makers. 政府严重依赖土地销售带来的收益,以及不久前临时设立的房地产交易税。此举旨在为房地产市场降温,却成了一个主要的收入来源。
The Hong Kong government recently introduced new taxes on property purchases to deter speculative investment by foreigners. 香港政府近期出台了针对房地产购买的新税,以遏制非本地人士的投机行为。
Pilot program for imposition of taxes on immovable property in kosovo; 关于科索沃不动产课税的试验方案;
If the obligation is delivery of immovable property, performance shall be at the place where the immovable property is located; In that state one has to pay taxes on both real and personal property. 交付不动产的,在不动产所在地履行;在那个国家里,动产和不动产都要纳税。
There shall be regarded as taxes on income all taxes imposed on total income, or on elements of income, including taxes on gains from the alienation of movable or immovable property. 对全部所得或某项所得征收的税收,包括对来自转让动产或不动产的收益征收的税收,应视为对所得征收的税收。
The government announced on Oct.22 that it would waive taxes on certain property deals to spur flagging sales. 政府在10月22日宣布,将通过对特定地产交易取消契税的方式刺激呈衰退之势的房地产销量。
Payment of accrued taxes on property; 缴纳应计未付的财产税;
Nationally, regulators leaned on banks to reduce mortgage lending and pledged to crack down on those evading capital gains taxes on property. 在全国范围内,监管机构通过银行减少抵押贷款,并保证打击那些逃避房产资本所得税的人。
Raising taxes on property, meanwhile, would leave less value to be capitalised into bank loans, thus guarding against future indebtedness. 同时,上调土地税会降低银行贷款的资本化,有助于防范未来的债务危机。
Higher property taxes, which are desirable on wider economic grounds, would cut demand for property as an investment or a second home. 从更为宏观的经济层面上讲,较高的房产税是可取的,它将削减房产作为投资或是作为第二居所的需求。
Taxes and duties due on any offices or property whether owned, occupied or operated by the contractor including vehicles, plants, franchise, licenses, permits, registration fees. 承包商拥有、占用或使用包括车辆、装置、特许权、执照、许可以及注册费在内的办公场所或财产产生的应缴税费。
The second part describes the theory of real estate tax revenue involved, detailed analysis of the current situation and characteristics of the real estate market, taxes on the property market mechanism, with its tax system for the construction of real estate to find a breakthrough. 第二部分叙述了房地产税收涉及的税收理论,具体分析了房地产市场的现状以及特点,税收对房地产市场的作用机制,以其为房地产税收制度的建设找到突破口。
And defining the concept of real estate and real estate taxes respectively, pointing out that the real estate tax is levied on the property tax to maintain, that the real estate tax. 论文从房地产税的相关概念入手,分别对房地产和房地产税的概念进行了界定,指出房地产税是对房地产保有环节征收的税。